
Have a question or concern?
Please contact our office below. For E-mail inquiries, we will reply within two business days.

Seasnal Office


General inquiries including test paddling bookings, arrival ETA of ordered canoes, general shop inventory requests

2832 Highway 60, Dwight, Ontario
OPEN: May 1st – Oct 15th
HOURS: 10am – 4pm
TEL: 705-635-2000

Popular Inquiries

Pricing and options for Composite Canoes, select from models here.

Pricing for Classic Wood Canoes, select from models here.

For Repair Inquires, click here.

For Canoe Parts, click here.

Our Guarantee

We stand behind everything we make, If you are not satisfied with one of our products at the time you receive it, or if one of our products does not perform to your satisfaction, you may return it to us for a repair, replacement or refund. Damage due to wear and tear can be repaired at a reasonable charge.